


I can taste the fondue already. How about a week of winter paradise in the Alps? I would choose a resort that straddles both Italy and Switzerland. On the Italian side you can make all bookings on the Cervinia website. On the Swiss side make all arrangements on the Matterhorn site. The image above is from 1953, and after a weekend of skiing on my home mountain — I imagine being in the Alps in the winter would be stunning (but have yet to try!).


Punta Tragara is a luxe escape on Capri. A hotel built in the 20’s on a ridiculously beautiful location overlooking the Faraglioni rocks (those iconic stones that jut out of the water off the island of Capri) and Marina Piccola. And as far as hotel views go — if you’re a mermaid there is no better one.


This photo was taken in March of 2020. Taken by Costanzo D’Angelo, it was the most shared photo on Instagram during the Italian lockdown. It shows the intensity of those times, and also shows all that was lost. Italians singing from the balconies seems like 100 years ago — but it was only last March. It’s been a long road. We’re all tired from what we’ve collectively been through.


Floating in the warm baths of Bagni di Pisa, housed inside a royal palace built in the 1700’s. When we all get back to flying on planes again, there is a secret weapon to ease those long-haul flights. Many of our clients fly into Pisa, because it’s the closest place to arrive to the Cinque Terre. Pisa also serves Tuscany, so chances are you might fly into Pisa’s Galileo Galilei International Airport. If you do, I recommend driving outside the city (a taxi will bring you) to stay at Bagni di Pisa. A soak in the mineral pools will shake off the flight for you, and the lodgings are stunning. I think it is very affordable for what you get (it’s really a hidden gem, massive value for euros). I hid out here for a few days when I had an entire new product to build for Italian Fix. I floated, wrote, ordered room service, went wild with sticky notes all over the wallpaper… and then repeated that for three days. Heaven!


This is a brand new feature we launched this month! It’s a way for you to share Italian Fix, and be rewarded with groovy things.

Wanna play? Click to share our newsletter, and we’ll send you gifties in the mail. Not lame cheap crap, but handmade, thoughtful and useful things to make your life more beautiful.

Share with 7 people, get an art print. Share with 17 people, a beautiful candle made in Florence. Share with 27 people, we’ll send you a skincare kit from the fanciest apothecary in Italy. Cause we’re crazy like that.



With love + cioccolata calda,


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