Isn’t it good to have friends in high places?
High places, as in a pretty balcony dripping with bougainvillea, overlooking the sea?
We could all use a few more friends like that, amiright?
The ones that say, “Woman, take some down time! Come to my villa to relax for a bit — the keys are under the mat.”
And the villa just happens to be in an adorable one-street town, where shoes are optional. No one’s paying attention to what you’re wearing anyway, other than a gaggle of ginger-colored cats.
You grab those keys from under the mat, and twist one into the vintage lock on the villa’s freshly painted blue door.
When you walk inside, you notice a piece of paper resting against the wildflowers on the table that says, “Benvenuta! Check the fridge!”
Yay! Wine is chilling there, and your friend has already reserved a seaview table for you at her fave dinner spot — be there at 7:00.
The housekeeper is coming tomorrow, so no need to clean, organize your file folders, pay your city taxes, or any other mundane thing that regularly clogs your brain at home.
You’re on Italy time. You’re taken. You’re taken care of.
Could YOU do with some friends like that?
The ones that write you sweet notes, chill your wine, and have the seaview table booked for you?
Well, guess what? You DO.
You have me, and us, the Italian Fix team.
We have connections in the loveliest shoe-optional villages, and seaview tables on speed-dial. Housekeepers are just part of the deal when you’re staying at the prettiest hotels (omg how nice is it not doing the cleaning for a week and room service is just part of your real life now?).
I started taking new friends to Italy eight years ago — it was just me, plus a bestie I wrangled into helping. Our “maiden voyage” to the Cinque Terre kicked everything off. Our clients had such a good time, and I did too! Since then our team and the company have grown, and now we offer several dates to our favorite Italian destinations.
But nothing has changed in our hearts, and our roots are what they always were.
We’re still grounded in the principles of love, hospitality, personal growth, and having fun like it was 1989 (was that the last time you wore a miniskirt too?).
Our company isn’t for everyone, and we’re good with that. Traveling with people who are the right fit is as important to us as we know it is to you.
We believe:
That the world holds magic and beauty for us all. Even when it feels like the walls are caving in, we know that what comes down must always go back up.
In compassion. Our clients are our extended family who we protect and care for.
In the magic of the universe, and that the right ideas will come to you when you need to hear them. And the right people when you need to meet them.
In widening our circle, our friends, our support network.
In doing what you believe is best for you, and not waiting for permission to live in a way that’s aligned with your desires.
We believe in FUN — in making space for waaaay more of it.
In asking for HELP. In not feeling pressured to be Wonder Woman. In knowing you don’t have to “do it all.” That’s tiring.
In the collective good. There are more good people than bad in the world.
In prosecco. Because, yeah.
I’d love to hear what core beliefs you use as your North Star.
I’m all ears.
Please let me know in the comments below. You never know who is reading, and who you could help today!