Eight years ago today I married my Italian sweetheart in Italy.
We ran off to city hall. The wind was blowing.
It hadn’t occurred to me to hire a wedding photographer, buy a dress or don some new shoes. We wore what we had, planned nothing and spent nothing; the sprig of baby’s breath behind my ear was my biggest splurge.
We borrowed the wedding rings from his mom; inscribed with her name and the name of her husband long passed. I felt honoured to become a part of that family circle.
We didn’t invite anyone really: it seemed frivolous to ask my family to travel from Canada and so we decided not to invite his family either even if they lived in the same town — but the Italians didn’t listen. Family, friends and relatives showed up at the wedding they weren’t invited to bearing flowers and hugs. We were overjoyed to see them. All together we made city hall feel lively and happy on that cold March day.
Alessandro and I have filled the last eight years with many plane tickets over the Atlantic, immigration papers, our very first home (built from Youtube reno tutorials), our gorgeous shiny daughter Flora, lots and lots of work, a good amount of tears, a mom’s passing, juice fasts, cozy rainy nights, weekend walks on the beach, some hella big blowups, dreams, goals, hopes and satisfaction. It’s been a messy ball of yarn. And it’s been a damn good ride. And a damn great partnership.
Marriage is something I went into knowing nothing. Less than nothing. I was carefree with the arrogance of youth backing me up saying; no big deal. But it IS a big deal. It’s an investment into the rhythm of showing up every day in someone else’s life. Sometimes the going is great. Sometimes the going sucks. But it’s not a practice run and it’s not a play for keeps. It’s your path and someone else’s path becoming a wider path for as long as the choice presents itself to travel it. In eight years of marriage I’ve learned that and so much more.
Buon anniversario. xx Bianca
Drawing by Julie Morstad.
I broke my knee 6 weeks ago and will likely be in a brace for months. It’s also sucky weather in Toronto so your email was just the ticket. A handsome, happy couple with their lives ahead of them. Not to mention that gorgeous Italian scenery. Many, many years since I was in Italy. Brightens my day just looking at it. Makes me realize that my knee will heal, life will go on, and although I’ll not make Italy this year, I’ll make it my goal to go with you next Spring. Many happy returns on your anniversary and for this timely post.
Hi Wendy. Ya know, we all get broken stuff literally and figuratively. I think it’s great to remember just what you said: life goes on. And it’s always filled with peeks and valleys. There aren’t any guarantees in life but there are the moments that you can seize, plan and dream for. I like the latter. Thanks for sharing your story. Get well soon girl! xx Bianca
Absolutely beautiful! Sounds like a perfect day! 🙂
Thanks miss Julia. xx Bianca
beautiful family Bianca! Congrats on 8 amazing years of life with your hubby ~ made me tear up! I am dying to enter your contest but I am moving at the same time and then have an art show opening days later… whadayagonnado.
Great luck on your journeys to Italy this year, sounds like they will be amazing.
That is sweet Kez. Thank-you. xx
Adorable. Thanks for sharing beautiful Bianca. And congratulations on 8 years of marriage. XO.
Grazie mille miss Ayon:)
Happy anniversary!! That was so beautifully written. Xx
That is appreciated Natasha!
Do something special you guys!
Thanks honey!
Just realized I posted this message in the wrong area. Thanks for sharing your wedding pics. Loved reading about your love story. And I think your dress is really charming, almost vintage looking. You sound like someone who is not afraid to live life to the fullest! I hope all the best for you two.
Holly, of Clarkdale
I was browsing how to congratulate my sister on 17 yrs of marriage in Italian- and got a fresh, new outlook on marriage. Thank you for the unintended boost, and I wish you many more happy years together!