This is day four of a seven day series celebrating the Cinque Terre.
See day one.
See day two.
See day three.
See day five.
See day six.
See day seven.
All images by Gary Arndt.
About the photographer: Gary sold his house in 2007 and has been travelling the world ever since. So far he has visited over 100 countries, 49/50 US states, 9/10 Canadian provinces, every Australian state and territory, over 100 US National Park sites and over 150 UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Gary owns the immensely popular travel blog Everything-Everywhere where he publishes new travel photos daily.
On his blog Gary recounts,
The towns of the Cinque Terre are just beautiful. If you are ever in the neighborhood of Pisa or Genoa, you should consider making a trip there. You can visit the five towns by train, by boat or even on foot. It was the highlight of my recent cruise around Italy and would highly recommend it to anyone visiting Italy. It might not be as sexy as some of the other destinations in Italy like Rome, Florence or Venice, but it has its own unique charm. Try to avoid arriving on a day with cruise ships or show up before 10am or after 1pm to beat the crowds.
Floods in the Cinque Terre:
This photographic tribute captures exceptional images taken before floods hit the Cinque Terre, a UNESCO World Heritage Site comprised of five villages built on the terraced slopes of Italy’s northwest coast.
Heavy floods that started on October 25, 2011 have severely damaged the villages of Vernazza and Monterosso in the Cinque Terre and surrounding towns in the province of Liguria and northern Tuscany. People have lost their homes and businesses and some have sadly lost their lives. Find out more here.
Government money has been donated to the region to help rebuild it; but it is not enough. People and organizations have rallied together to collect money that is desperately needed and I urge you to join us. You will find these following three payments gateways secure and require just three minutes of your time.
1) The non-profit society Save Vernazza was created to pro-actively raise funds and awareness for Vernazza via the English speaking community. They are accepting donations through Paypal. All funds collected will be directed towards the immediate efforts of rebuilding Vernazza, one of the two towns most affected in the Cinque Terre.
3) The City Hall of Monterosso is accepting Paypal donations. Monterosso al Mare was one of the two towns within the Cinque Terre most affected. This site is in Italian.
Thank-you for your support. TOGETHER we can do amazing things. History is PROOF! xxx Bianca
I would like to give by credit card, but my UK post code is not accepted.
Also it demands an Italian state name for my location in Grand Bretagne !
Yes, you have to coax that site a bit with a foreign address. Enter “00000” for the “zip” field and leave the state field blank like this(–). I had to do a bit of testing of what works. This does, as mine went through without an Italian address and I received a receipt via email. Good luck John!