
This is day one of a seven day series celebrating the Cinque Terre.
See day two.
See day three.
See day four.
See day five.
See day six.
See day seven.

All Photos by Jeff Curto.

Jeff recounts his experience in the Cinque Terre:

Taking the train north out of La Spezia, I remember a series of dark tunnels and then, like someone pulling the covers off of you on a sunny morning… the sea. Blue and green and turquoise; it shone like a jewel and made me feel as though I’d stepped from one world into the next. In some ways, I had. Though I’d read the guidebooks and looked at photographs, I was unprepared for the way it felt like I was in a storybook. I was transported much father than the short train ride had taken me.

Ordinarily, as a travel photographer, my interest is in the architecture of a place; the way buildings look and feel as well as the people who inhabit them. But in Manarola, the combination of the steep hills and the candy-colored buildings and the sea drew me in far more and I photographed that intersection of the land and the Ligurian sea, trying to convey some sense of the feeling of walking into a new and bright and warm world of water, air, boats and rocks.
About the Artist: Photographer and photography teacher Jeff Curto travels extensively in Italy creating images and teaching photography workshops. Curto also hosts two popular podcasts about photography, one that records his History of Photography class sessions from College of DuPage and another that discusses photography’s creative aspects at Camera Position.


Floods in the Cinque Terre:

This photographic tribute captures exceptional images taken before floods hit the Cinque Terre, a UNESCO World Heritage Site comprised of five villages built on the terraced slopes of Italy’s northwest coast.

Heavy floods that started on October 25, 2011 have severely damaged the villages of Vernazza and Monterosso in the Cinque Terre and surrounding towns in the province of Liguria and northern Tuscany. People have lost their homes and businesses and some have sadly lost their lives. Find out more here.

Government money has been donated to the region to help rebuild it; but it is not enough. People and organizations have rallied together to collect money that is desperately needed and I urge you to join us. You will find these following three payments gateways secure and require just three minutes of your time.

1) The non-profit society Save Vernazza was created to pro-actively raise funds and awareness for Vernazza via the English speaking community. They are accepting donations through Paypal. All funds collected will be directed towards the immediate efforts of rebuilding Vernazza, one of the two towns most affected in the Cinque Terre.

2) The Italian Red Cross is also accepting donations to assist in rebuilding all the towns in Liguria and northern Tuscany that were involved in this disaster. Donations are payable online via credit card. Please follow my payment instructions for NON- Italian addresses. Step 1: Go to the Italian Red Cross. Step 2: Using the drop down menu choose “Emergency Tuscany and Liguria”. Enter your donation in Euros. In the “zip” field enter 00000. Leave the “State” field blank. Choose your country (for USA choose Stati Uniti). Step 3: Choose payment method: Use a credit card; Paypal may not be accepted without an Italian address.

3) The City Hall of Monterosso is accepting Paypal donations. Monterosso al Mare was one of the two towns within the Cinque Terre most affected. This site is in Italian.

Thank-you for your support. TOGETHER we can do amazing things. History is PROOF! xxx Bianca


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